Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beginners Diaphragmatic breathing

In this Beginning Harmonica Lesson you will learn a great trick fro getting the knack of Diaphragmatic Breathing.

Mouth positioning on the harmonica - Deep Relaxed

This harmonica lesson is for beginners and intermediate students who feel stuck. You will learn "The Deep Relaxed Embouchure (mouth position)"

Holding the Harp

Two handed grip...

Teaching your tongue to dance

Another good exercise from same site.

Welcome to a new Musical venture...

We will utilize "You Tube" videos to demonstrate how to play the harmonica whenever we cannot describe with words how to do it...

from http://www.FreeHarmonicaLes... This is a beginner HARMONICA LESSON for your "C" harmonica that offers you an exercise for practicing you single note technique. I hope this video helps you with...